Lack of prenatals and I feel guilty

So I have 2 problems. I can’t swallow tablets and I have bad morning sickness.

My fear of tablets came from me choking on one on multiple occasions when I was younger and I couldn’t seem to get over.

Anyway I tried to take proper pregnancy vitamins but I when I took one I’d either gag it back up or if I’m successful it comes out with my constant bad morning sickness.

I’ve resorted to taking smaller tablets that are just folic acid and iron but my body struggles with those and starts rejecting any food I try to eat. I’ve tried opening the capsules and putting it in a smoothie etc but I still eventually vomit that out later.

I don’t know. I feel so guilty I can’t do this for my baby. I’m nearly 10 weeks and my nausea hasn’t curbed. I throw up nearly an hour after every time I eat.

I see every other mother take vitamins and I can’t even down a normal pain killer. Please has anyone got any suggestions? In my local pharmacy there isn’t a liquid/powder pregnancy vitamin so I’ve either had to crush them or cut them smaller to try awallow. It makes me feel so depressed that I’m not strong enough to overcome my fear of swallowing tablets.

Will my baby be okay?