Breyanna • CNA• College Student• Nursing Major• Future Neonatal care nurse♡

I can not stand when certain people touch my stomach at all. My niece mom always feel the need to touch my stomach. I personally Don't like it because I feel like she's has a lot of negative energy around her and I don't want nobody like that around my baby or even touching my stomach. She comes and try to touch my stomach and I tell her I do not want to be touched and she feel the need to touch anyway being persistent; and I put my hand there so she can't touch, she touch anyways 😡😤🤬 which further infuriates me. She then says I know I just want to feel her (baby). If I tell you I don't want to be touched. Don't fucking touch me. I'm just so irritated that she even did it and touched me. Now it's making me feel like I can't protect my baby. I just want to punch the next person who touches my stomach in the face but I would be rude😡

I am just trying to find a way to calm down. I get so wrapped up in what I could have done and that's what irritates me most. I should have done more.