My brother is being an ass about my baby name


So, i have had the name Michael picked out for my son's name ever since I was 12 years old. It was my grandfather's name and we were very close, he passed away when I was 12 and i have said ever since I would name my first born son after him. Well, it just so happens i also married a man named Michael.....

My brother's name is also Michael.

My brother has a tiny brain and is confused easily. He feels that having three Michaels around will be confusing. Even though my husband is known as Mike and only Mike to my family, my brother is known and Michael, and only Michael to my family. And i'm sure our son will have his own nick name as well. I think my brother is just being selfish and not wanting to share his name. We live almost 4,000 km away from him so i think for how often we will be in the same place he can deal with it. It won't be any more confusing than there being three moms (my mother, my sister in law, and me) or three dads (my dad, my brother, my husband). I think he should be honoured that my son will be named after him... he thinks I should pick a different name.

Using it as a middle name is not an option... my husband is set on Michael for a first name and doesn't think we should let my brother sway us.

We also have middle names picked out after my dad and my husband's brother neither we like for a first name Aloysuis and Matthew. And both know the baby is named after them and are so excited about it.

We also already have stuff with his full name on it before i found out my brother was so mad.

If you made it to the end thank you for reading my rambling. I don't want my brother to be pissed and not want to be around the few times we visit. But i also think he's being selfish.

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