Having a hard time with 5 month old

I'm exhausted. My 5 month old has been terrible to deal with lately. Its worse than when I brought her home as a newborn. I don't know what to do. Everyday she screams for hours at the top of her lungs and I think it's because her teeth. Her 2 front ones are already grown in but it looks like she has 2 more coming through on the sides. Every single time I go to nurse her she bites me really hard so I am terrified to feed her now, afraid of being bit. Sometimes she'll want to be nursed but when I go to nurse her she cried and pulls off. Today she got so mad and cried inconsolably for so long she broke out into a rash. I don't get a break because my husband works and when he comes home I let him relax. I feel disconnected from her as well because shes always mad and no matter what I do she just cries and cries. I think I have no choice but to stop breastfeeding because I can't take being bit anymore 😭😭