Middle of the night advice



Hey fellow July mamas -

Lindy is a month old and we have been incredibly blessed with her sleeping. She has been going into a deeper sleep after her cranky hour every night about 830-930pm and sleeps until 1am-2am eats and back down until 5am-6am which is great.

My question is, she is noisy. Lots of talking. So last night she was stirring loudly about 1 so I figured she’s getting up to eat, threw a bottle in the warmer and she got quiet so I laid back down. Fell asleep and woke up to her crying at 215! Then she ate 4 oz and right back down. At 5am my husband jumped up to feed her and she ate 1 oz and fell back asleep til 7am. How do you know when to get them up? I hate waiting until she’s screaming to eat, but clearly if I had grabbed her at 1 she was not actually awake cus she did another hour.

So, how do you know when to grab them and feed them? I’ll take longer stretches all day long, and don’t want to get her up if she isn’t actually ready.

If you made it this far thanks!!!

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Posted at
My little one is also a loud sleeper and we’ve been doing a pretty strict sleep/feeding schedule with her. The schedule I’m following says to let you baby stir for 3-8 minutes to see if they put themselves back to sleep before feeding. It’s so hard to adjust to and I wake up often ready to get a bottle ready but she has been falling back asleep 1-2 times and getting a couple more hours out of the sleep stretch so I’ll take it!


M • Aug 27, 2020
Can I ask what your following? I love a good routine! Yes that’s exactly what happens with us. Sometimes she is screaming ready to eat and sometimes she makes some noise then is out for 90 more minutes!


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My doctor told us just today, that we shouldn't be waking him up that he will wake up on his own if he wants to eat. Which sucks because if I'm sleeping I don't know.


Posted at
Same! I wait until I see his eyes open and he looks lucid. Sometimes, though, if he’s stirring every minute for some time (it’s sort of like a slow build up), I can tell he’s about to wake up, so I’ll go ahead and get him out of the bassinet before he gets upset and wakes himself up further.


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Mine is the same way. I usually wait until I see his eyes open.


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My little guy was/is the same exact way. He fill on scream cries in his sleep and then is out cold seconds later. We ended up moving him to his own nursery where we watch him on the monitor. I’m able to better see if he’s fully awake or just in active sleep. We also purchased the Owlette (a bit pricey but worth it) and we are able to track his heart rate. If he’s sleeping, his heart rate is usually in the 120-140’s but if he is truly awake, it is higher. It will also alert us if he stops breathing for any reason or his heart rate is too high or low while he is sleeping. We all get better sleep now that he sleeps in his own space.