Do you believe in conspiracy theories?


So I don’t know what sparked the amount of conspiracy theories that I keep seeing in 2020 but it seems like that’s all that my Facebook and other social media is full of these days. My own sister is even starting to believe them saying that Beyoncé is a devil worshiper 🙄 and now can’t listen to her music anymore. There are some conspiracy theories that may be true or have some truth to them such as the child trafficking ones, I completely believe people are trying to cover up pedophiles in media. However do I think every celebrity and politician is involved? No I do not. The amount of things I see on FB is literally insane. If a celebrity comments that they like pizza on Twitter or something, all of a sudden they are a part of pizzagate and they’re in a pedophile ring. It just gets way too overboard. So my question is do you believe in conspiracy theories and does it depend on which one, or do you not believe at all. Like I said, I believe there is truth to some of them. I may get hate for this but I’m just curious. Also if this was posted before please let me know and I’ll delete.

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