Do you believe couples should be required to attend pre-marital counseling/coaching?

Ashley • Mrs. Hainline 🤰🏻Pregnant with baby 2.

The current divorce rate is 2.9 per 1,000 or about 41 percent of all marriages end in divorce. I have a lot of friends, family and colleagues who have serious marital issues about critical topics that should have:could have been discussed before marriage, and some of these have led to divorce or separation.

Topics for instance like, relationship equality, parenting, finances, careers, loss in the relationship, fertility, sex, family background, faith, outlook, etc.

I marry my fiancé who I’ve been with for six years on the 5th! With that being said we just finished pre-marital coaching last week because our pastor requires it.

For us we didn’t learn too much or see “red flags” because we are really open communicators, but it really made me think that the benefit people would gain to experience that dynamic and open up on some key problematic areas in a relationship. It would save so many people who marry into something they didn’t know or expect, and may even prevent divorces by acknowledging issues before they arise and discussing how to address them.

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