Baby nighttime feeding routine?


Can anyone who has had a baby offer me some advice?

For the first two weeks of my sons life(this coming Oct.) my husband will have work off. During that time we’d like to share the responsibility of getting up at night to feed the baby as much as possible. I plan to breastfeed and am debating of the best way to do this. Do we A.) have me breast feed him every time he needs to eat and then pass him off to my hubby every other time afterwards to burp and rock him back to sleep, or B.) have bottles of my breast milk in the fridge that he can heat up and give him every other time he feeds so I don’t wake up every time.

I worry that having him give the baby bottles right off the bat will cause nipple confusion and my baby won’t want to breastfeed since it’s much easier to be bottle fed.

I also feel bad having my husband get up and take 10 minutes to just warm up a bottle when I won’t even have to get out of bed to feed him.

What did you do/what would you recomend?