Was I wrong ☹️

So there is something I’m VERY passionate about and always wanted to do the water parade for it when it came to town. So it’s coming this upcoming month and I am not able to do it because I am pregnant with our rainbow baby. I’m very high risks and have very minimum I can do. Only sun for 2 hours a day, no boating, no jet skis, no walking for a long time, no lifting over 5 pounds... etc.

anyways we were at lunch with my in laws and my father in law told my husband to go with him and my brother in law to the water parade this year and leave me with his mom. I honestly didn’t think he would say yes because we aren’t the people to leave our other half and go do something without them. We always do everything together and if I or him can’t do something then we won’t.. so when we got home he told me that he would leave me with his mother and he would go with his father it definitely took me by surprise because I was expecting him to think no way would I do it without her knowing she wants to do it. I was a little bothered at first because he knows this is something I’ve always wanted to do and he will be doing it without me. Anyways he seen it bothered me so he suggested that I go on the boat with his brother while he rides the jet ski and I said I wasn’t risking anything.

I did tell him that I think he should go and enjoy himself but I don’t want to spend my entire day with his mother. Everytime I go over there she takes my daughter and goes outside and I’m in the kitchen sitting there on my phone alone. That just isn’t fun for me at all. I told him I’d rather spend that time with my mom if anything.

Anyways yesterday he was all for going and today he’s like “no I’ll just stay home with you.” And I feel bad now that he’s not going because i feel that he will resent me in the long run. Should I keep pushing for him to go? Was I wrong to be a little bothered and showing him I was bothered? Also I know his family will think I’m controlling him and tell him that I’m controlling and I really don’t want him to feel that way.