BFP’s and Negatives between 7&11DPO


Hey ladies,

I’m using cheap one step pregnancy tests. Over 4 days I have tested around 10 times. Each test has a different result some vvfl and some negative results. I have literally used two tests in the same urine sample and one was neg and the other a vvf positive. I tested so early because I don’t usually cramp or show any period symptoms until the evening before af is due. I started experiencing strong symptoms at 7DPO, cramping, headaches, fatigue, constipation, backache, slight nausea and sore breasts. I have had chemical pregnancies in the past so I am concerned I’m having another.

I just noticed the expiry date on my tests are October ‘20. I know they are technically not expired but my question is are they reliable? I have ordered more of these tests due to their sensitivity and also some clear blue digital tests (period due 3 days from now)

I had lots of cramping over the past couple days but this has subsided.

My breasts were very tender and painful but not as bad anymore. They are still sore but just not as bad as the past couple of days.

Could I be pregnant or is it likely a chemical pregnancy and I have just tested too soon?

Would love to hear any other similar experiences.

Thanks in advance :)