Baby Girl made her entrance!


Wow! What a quick, scary, but exhilarating delivery.

Arrived at the hospital at 7:15 am for my scheduled induction due to gestational diabetes at 39 weeks +2. Went straight to Labor and Deliver where I had an IV put in and antibiotics started around 8 am (Group B Strep positive). At 9:15 am, I was checked was still only a 3 dilated and 70% effaced. OB broke my waters, but there wasn’t much. He said let’s see where this leads us and we will determine if we need Pitocin or not. At 10:30 am, Pitocin was started and true active labor was in progress. At 11:30, I was starting to feel uncomfortable, but not in pain. I decided it was close to epidural time, so I went ahead and had it ordered. By noon, epidural was in. They put in my catheter and checked me, 6 1/2 dilated but fully effaced. Husband went and had lunch, came back at 1pm, and nurse came in to see how I was. She said baby girl was getting squished (coming down), but wasn’t liking it, her heart rate kept dropping. Nurse checked me at this time (1:05pm), and I was complete. She has me do a couple practice pushes, when she realized baby girl was face up, but also still a -1 (very high still). She told me not to push anymore until the doctor got here, she ran and got him.

He discussed with me the possibility of c-section at this point and/or forceps and vacuum. He started to have me push. With every push, she would come down, but then go back up. Her heart rate started to stabilize and then would drop. Dr started getting a little uneasy. I pushed with all my might and a nurse ended up getting on top of my bed and pushing down on my stomach because of a shoulder distortion, baby girl was caught on my pelvis. At 1:44pm, she was born. However, she wasn’t breathing. They whisked her over to the team and quickly got the first cry. They checked her out head to toe, she’s doing great now. Her shoulder seems to be fine and she’s using it. Her head is bruised, but swelling is already coming down. She’s perfect!!!


* Emily Claire

* August 24, 2020 at 1:44pm.

* 9 lbs 2 oz (so much for the small baby they told me I was having-they said she was measuring at 7lbs but I was smaller than my son and so they were thinking around 6 to 6.5 lbs)

* 20.5 inches long