Nipple shield & production

Brittney • Mom of two boys & an angel 💙👼🏼💙 Just a postal mom trying to run a small business 🤍

So with my first, he had a hard time latching and after a few days it just became so frustrating and stressful for me I gave up. I felt like he may have not been getting enough milk so I switched to formula.

Now I’m 30+4 with my second, I want to do anything possible to successfully breastfeed this time and I’d like to have a nipple shield for a backup plan just Incase there’s any problem with him latching etc. 6 years ago I didn’t know this was even an option. I’ve looked online and seen many different brands & the pros & cons, I was just wanting some input from you ladies, what is a good brand that you would recommend? Also any milk production tips please!!