This is our cycle šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤°

Iā€™m going to say this here because I need to tell SOMEONE, and I donā€™t want to get my husbandā€™s hopes up and I feel like no one else will understand.

We are on cycle 4. My husband had his vasectomy reversed 5 months ago. We had been trying to get the VR for over a year. And, the whole time Iā€™ve had this mental headspace of, ā€œitā€™s not going to happenā€. I donā€™t know why. Our odds of success were decent, but it just felt like it wasnā€™t going to happen.

This month, however, has been completely different. I just feel like this is our cycle. And, I keep getting all of these little signs. And, I feel positive and hopeful for the first time in 5 months. And, I just wanna share and get some emotions out.

So, physically, this cycle is different because I didnā€™t ovulate super early! I tend to ovulate on CD 9 or 11. This cycle, Iā€™m CD 12 and just starting to get darker OPKs. Iā€™ll probably ovulate on CD 14. This cycle is also different because I have approximately two-three times the amount of CM I typically do, and my libido is back. Finally.

Speaking of CD 14 ā€” that falls on August 27th. For FOUR months, Iā€™ve gotten tiktoks & Facebook posts about how something great is going to happen to me on August 27th. I would consider ovulating & conceiving pretty great!

We decided to organize our daughterā€™s closet after living here for about six months (bout time, right?!), and we found TONS of ā€˜little sisterā€™ outfits that she apparently had that she never wore and I donā€™t remember her having. She was probably given them as hand-me-downs, but it just felt sweet to stumble across them. Especially now.

I donā€™t know about anyone else, but I pray every night. And, I asked God for some kind of sign if this was our cycle. I asked to see porcupines (I wanted to specifically ask for something thatā€™s uncommon that I wouldnā€™t imagine to see everywhere. So, like, how you can find a circle pretty much anywhere if you look.).

Well, the next morning, The Wiggles has a segment on porcupines. The first tiktok I see during my daughterā€™s nap time is of a porcupine chasing a kid around a yard. And, then that night, my aunt posts about a family of porcupines on her back deck.

Maybe this isnā€™t my cycle. And, Iā€™m just getting my hopes up sky high for no reason. But, I feel hopeful & positive for the first time in so long that Iā€™m just going to enjoy it. Send us prayers & baby dust this cycle ā¤ļø