Terrible News


I’m sure someone here knows how hard it is for me to make this post. But, I need to get this off my chest and out there....

So, my husband and I have been together for ten years and married for one. Since we’ve had such a long together just the two of us, we made the decision in the last year to start planning for a family.

I’m due to have my Nexplanon implant removed on the 8th of September.

Well, a little while back we had a sperm count done for my husband. He’s had a TBI (traumatic brain injury) in the past as well as testicular injury (tree cutting incident).

They never reached out with us with the results so we went yesterday to just pick them up. Zero doctor guidance on reading the results. We were getting ready to call the office because we thought they didn’t do something correctly. All values N/A or insufficient data.

That was until we read the very last line of the back side.

Sample proves to be indicative of Azoospermia......

My husbands sample showed signs of zero sperm.....

We are heartbroken. My husband feels like he’s broken. I am mourning children that simply existed in my imagination.

We have an appointment with a new Urologist on the 23rd who specializes in male infertility. But dear God, this is going to be the longest month.

He’s not ready to talk to anyone about it. He feels like a failure. And I’m trying to be strong for him but this hurts so much and I am failing at supporting myself.