How to deal with this

Edit: him saying “you haven’t changed” is him referring to me not just immediately blocking someone he brings up. No cheating etc. has ever happened.

Little back story. We have been together for a little over a year & we are engaged. I don’t go out, I don’t do anything with out him bc every time I do it’s an argument. I literally posted a picture on Instagram of my hair & he got mad bc a guy I haven’t talked to in YEARS liked it quick. This happens all the time, he wants me to block EVERYONE. I have blocked so many people. I want to put my foot down, but I don’t want it to look like I’m hiding anything bc im absolutely not. I’m just tired of arguing if another guy breathes the same air as me. We’ve had a million conversations & nothing works. I snapped so quick bc it’s the same thing over & over. I just don’t get it.