Husband will leave me if I can’t conceive.

Four months TTC to conceive with second husband, his first and will be my fourth child. I’m almost 37 and I don’t know why I’m not pregnant yet. All my labs and hormones are normal, I guess I’m just old. Haven’t given birth in over 10 years. My husband said if I can’t give him a child, he will find someone else who can. Making plans to do <a href="">IVF</a> in a few months but I’m afraid of going into debt, still childless with him,and newly divorced. It’s too much pressure. I feel like I should just throw in the towel before I spend tens of thousands on a maybe. I love him more than anything and I know he feels the same way about me, but he is determined to have his own bio baby. Should I just be patient and keep trying on a chance or cut my losses now and move on without him before I become too heartbroken?

Side note: I had two abortions in the past few years because he said he wasn’t ready to have kids back then, and now he is...