Ivf Cycle 1


Just had our Egg retrieval for our first round of

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

. They got 17 eggs, 16 were maturer enough. We used ICSI and 11 Fertlized after the first day. We are waiting to hear how many make it to 5 days to freeze and do our FET next month.

Anyone have success with these numbers? I was hoping for more eggs Fertlized but trying to stay positive.


We ended up with 7 Embryos that they froze!! 4 were 5 Day blasts and 3 were 6 Day blasts.

We have:

4AB, 4BB, 4BB, 2BB, 4AB, 4BA, 3BC

I’m feeling so relieved we had success this far.

Tomorrow I talk with the Dr about wanting to transfer 2🤞🤞 I know they want to just to one at my age but I’m hoping he signs off on this for us.

Our tentative Transfer date is Sept 14th!!