Am I a bad person?

So, a bit of background history.. me and my boyfriend have been together nearly 6 years. In 2017 we had a twin m/c loosing one at 6 weeks and the second at 8 weeks. In 2018 we had an ectopic and lost the baby at 6 weeks, resulting in the removal of my right tube. Then this year alone I have had 2 confirmed chemical pregnancies. My boyfriend has been my rock and I’m blessed to have the most amazing family and friends to support us. This evening I got a call from my brother in law telling me that him and his girlfriend are having a baby. I am so happy for them and they will be the most amazing parents! However, since finding out I’ve just sat in bed and cried continuously, and it’s not that I’m jealous or thinking why them and not me, I just feel numb. Like will it ever be our time? I feel like a horrible person because I should be so happy for them and I am, but yet I’m sat here in a complete state and don’t know who to turn to cos I feel stupid admitting how I’m feeling.