Can baby being large cause early labour?


(Living in the UK)

So I’m having a scheduled c-section (my pelvis is too narrow and had a fairly tramatic birth with my first baby resulting in emergency section)

At 33 weeks I ended up going to pregnancy Assesment with reduced movement and they ended up doing a scan, baby’s estimated weight was 5lb4 and above the top percentile line. I had another scan at 36 weeks (2 days ago) which is when I was told they would also book my c-section.

Baby’s estimated weight is now 7lb2! Still above the top line! They didn’t book my section but told me it would be between 39 & 40 weeks and I’d get a call the week before!

Now I’m only 5’2 and a size 8, I’ve heard that in small people having a big baby can trigger labour because they run out of space??

So my question, has anyone had a baby above the top percentile line managed to make it to 39 weeks? I feel like they are leaving it too late for a planned c-section??

EDIT: I’m NOT having a scheduled c-section due to baby’s size! It’s because with my first baby I was induced, laboured, got to 10cm pushed for 2 hours with only gas and air, they attempted forceps but she couldn’t come down any further and ended up with an emergency c-section, I found out after my pelvis is too narrow for natural delivery. My little girl was 7lb2 so not even big. The doctors have given me the option to attempt natural birth again but strongly advised against it due to the previous birth. I completely agree with the doctors! I would rather not go through 3 days of labour to end up with an emergency section anyway!

I’m simply wondering if the baby being large could make it more likely for me to go into labour because I’d rather avoid that because if I go into labour naturally i would then need an emergency section rather than planned.