Expanding the Family

My husband and I have a daughter who is a little over 2 years old. My husband wants to start trying for another one because it took us over 2 1/2 years to get pregnant with her. I’m not sure how to feel about it. I am a stay at home mom and run a business out of my home as well. They only time I get to work is if and when she takes a nap. My husband doesn’t like me working when he is home because he says it cuts into family time. When she was little, I hardly had any help. I did all the night feedings etc. He hardly ever got up during the night to help. Fast forward to now and she hardly goes on to play by herself no matter what I try. She always wants me to carry her around all the time and I hardly get a break. That’s why I’m super nervous to have another one. I don’t have much help now and I don’t know I can handle a newborn plus a needy 2 year old. What do y’all think? 😳