My Husband Got Diagnosed With Schizophrenia And I'm Scared Of Him

I'm a newly wed. Me and my husband got married three months ago. I've always noticed he was a little.... Off... He always seemed to be scared of something or see things I didn't see. Honestly I was so over the moon with him that it didn't bother me.. until recently. He started having these episodes where he would freak out and hide under the table. I asked what was wrong and he said someone wants to kill him. I asked who said that and he said "VOICES THEY KEEP TALKING TO ME!!!" I wanted to take him to the hospital, but I was worried about people thinking my husband was crazy so we put it off for a while. It just got worse. The final straw was when we were driving and there was nothing in the road. He freaked and swerved and we got into a car accident. He told me there was a women in the road. Finally I'm like. Okay ENOUGH. We went to get him evaluated. After a while we finally got his diagnosis... Schizophrenia.... The doctor said he would prescribe him medication. Now I am honestly terrified of him. One people are now gonna think I married a crazy person. Two I don't really know anything about Schizophrenia besides that most people who have it end up killing someone. I don't think my husband will ever hurt me, but this disease could make him hurt me. I'm scared he'll snap and kill me! Should I get out of this marriage before it happens?