My birth story


I had my son 8 weeks ago. Here it goes :)

This pregnancy was a nightmare compared to my first because of an autoimmune disease I have. I was stuck in the hospital for month in the second trimester on steroids and pain meds and the entire time I was so worried about my baby.

Because of all the complications I had I was induced at 39+3. I wasn’t dilated much when I went in but my OB was able to get a foley bulb in. Let me tell you, this was absolutely miserable. I felt like I was having a constant contraction that never went away with other worse contractions when I actually was having one. After a few hours of this I was getting frustrated and had a dose or morphine. Pitocin was also started at this time. My nurse came in a while later and pulled it out...I was so thankful. After that I felt great, contractions were pretty mild.

By this time I was around 3 cm and I asked my OB about breaking my water to speed things up. She agreed. I wanted an epidural before she did it. I’m a labor and delivery nurse and know that once that happens the contractions get way more intense. I got my epidural, it went very smooth. I could still easily move my entire labor. My OB came in to break my water and my little one decided to move positions and was no longer engaged. If your water breaks when baby isn’t engaged there’s the risk of the cord slipping out first so we decided to wait until he moved down. I was kind of bummed that I got the epidural at this point because now I couldn’t walk around but I decided to take advantage and just sleep. Every hour my nurse came in and we did position changes.

A couple hours later my water broke on its own. Shortly after I started to feel pressure and knew it was time. I pushed for 15 min and my son was born ❤️ overall it was a great textbook delivery!