Quit giving my kid away

My mom is our primary caretaker. This was HER idea, by the way, when my daughter was born because she doesn’t currently work. So she said she’d take her two days a week so I could work. Lately, she has a habit of making super last minute plans and those plans usually involve giving my daughter to one of my sisters or her boyfriends mom so she can go and do whatever it is that she wants, only telling me when she’s already in the process of doing it and that pisses me off. Itd be okay if it was something like a doctors appointment but previously it’s been because she wants to go out to eat with a friend out of town or she’s getting her eyelashes done. Today it’s because she wants to take my brother to a waterpark and she doesn’t want to deal with my daughter while she tries to have fun with my brother.

Maybe I’m overreacting but I’m seriously considering just quitting my job and not letting her see my daughter unless she asks. i don’t make enough to hire a full time babysitter and I’m tired of my kid being bounced around whenever she decides she wants to do something other than watch her.

Am I being dramatic? If yes, can someone help me see the bright side of things please because I’m ready to blow!