My 36 week appointment

Deni • Mommy to my baby girl Nannalie 💕 5years strong with my handsome man & loading baby #2 😍

It was kind of disappointing... I had to be tested for preeclampsia due to my BP being 140+/70+ both times they checked. I haven’t showed any signs of labor yet & I am 36+2 today. I now weight 198 & my little pineapple 🍍 is about just under 6lbs. I have a corrected CHD & hasn’t shown any signs of complications until now.

I was instructed by my high risk OB today that if my BP spikes again above 140+/70+ this weekend, he wants me to go straight to Labor & Delivery... if L&D can’t get control over my BP, they might have to either induce me this weekend or schedule an emergency C-Section. I’m really nervous because I’m a FTM & I still have a little over 3 weeks before my little pineapple is due.

Can someone please explain what a contraction feels like.? I have had cramping & slight sharp pains here & there but I am unsure if those are contractions or not.

Any advice to keep my nerves at ease?