Opinions needed..

Ladies so i need opinions .

So every cycle before my period , i get intense symptoms . awful migraines , tension head aches , awful body aches and cramps, intense chocolate cravings , extremely cold , sore boobs , my stomach will cramp like im on my period for days untill i start my period . this cycle we tried something different . we got a positive opk and instead of baby dancing the day of the positive we baby danced 2 days before we got the positive opk and the 2 days after . i did research and it said u dont ovulate until 36 hours after a positive opk. .. I took a test at 8dpo ( i know too early) it was negative , then took one at 12dpo ( ik also early) and its still negative ... But something doesn't feel right .... I dont wanna say im pregnant if im not but af is due in 4 days . and so far the only thing ive been having is sore boobs , shortness of breath here and there, this morning my nose wasn't bleeding but i could've sworn i smelled blood . also my stomach cramped a little around 6 and 7dpo but stopped amd hasnt cramped since . now my stomach just stays tight and tense until i realize and stop tensing . any opinions ????.