Need advice: Ruptured membrane at 30 wks

Hi ladies,

So a wk ago yesterday my water broke. As of today I'm 32.2. I go to the hospital and they tell me it in fact did brake and my membrane ruptured (PROM) so I have been admitted and given and just finished antibiotics, baby has been given steroids to develop lungs. All my tests have came back no sign of infection. Baby is extremely active and heart rate is good. I have gestational diabetes so on my ultrasound when I was admitted he was actually weighing in at 32 wks rather then 30 at 4 pds 1 oz. They say I will be induced at 34 wks unless baby decides to come early, if so they won't stop the labor process. All last wk i was leaking fluid(clear) and now it has stopped and I have period like cramps when I'm put on the monitor, they see "discomfort" and a contraction or two and tell me to continue to hydrate and take medicine for the cramps, which makes me very tired. No bleeding or super severe pain...just pain in my lower abdomen.

So my question is with the period like cramps does that mean baby could be coming soon. I havent been pregnant for over 10 yrs and this whole experience is new to me. Does anyone have any advice? Also to note i havent lost my mucus plug either.....