Break ideas please 🧖‍♀️


This is a little embarrassing.

My daughter is 7.5 months old. We live in a 14sqm caravan in our garden because we bought a derelict historical barn that needs renovating less than two weeks before I got pregnant. My daughter wants to crawl everywhere and on a bad weather day life gets so hard.

Yesterday I realised if I don’t start investing back into me I’m going to have a pretty significant breakdown. We don’t have a lot of money but my husband agreed that, from now on, I’m going to get weekly “me time” and a small budget to go with it. I hope this is the breakthrough I’ve been looking for.

We live in rural Lower Saxony but there are a few small towns nearby. As embarrassing as it sounds, I’ve kind of forgotten how to take care of myself. I need some ideas on what to spend my time and (limited) money on. Can you help me out?

This week I’m getting a haircut. Don’t know about next week. Might look into riding lessons again? I used to ride...