Implantation or period???


Hi ladies, can anyone please help I'm ttc #3 but never experienced implantation bleeding so I dont have a clue what I'm dealing with lol.

Today I'm 13dpo and af is due tomorrow she is never early and always comes through the night too, thisafternoon I noticed a small amount of blood in my underwear and thought af was early I didn't have any cramps and was feeling great this morning(which is unusual) if first day of af!

At first it was only very light bleeding more or a brownish colour, then got a little heavier and had some cramps but still not as heavy as my normal 1st day of af, and now has got lighter and lighter and cramps have gone, so only been bleeding for a total of 8hrs getting lighter each time.

I have also had so many symptoms of pregnancy since 5dpo such as dull headaches, fatigue, nausea, leg cramps, mood swings(very emotional), sensitive breasts(also seem fuller), low back ache, bloating, and an increase of cm,

I have taken many tests and nearly all I could see a faint line also my partner could too, I really thought my af had come early(which never happens) but has got lighter and lighter since starting so very unusual, can anyone help please??

Ps. sorry for the pics but has anyone had this or know what's happening, thanks