How do I pump more?


I can breastfeed my 10 week old fine. I use a haaka and usually get 1 oz. To save for later. I can use a manual pump and get about 4 oz. When I use an electric pump I get at most 2 oz. I am trying to use it more often but I am lost. I just started working again and need to pump more efficiently.

I have an Ameda Mya and a Bellababy pump. I can pump for 30 minutes and get just 2 oz. My manual medela pump gets me double in 15 minutes. What can I do to get more milk?

Does it take time to get your body use the pump?

Should I be more agressive when pumping? I tend to get more milk in massage mode. Should I try expression mode more often?

My baby takes 30 second breaks to digest and get a breather. Should i do the same?

Any ideas would help.

I have measured and have gotten smaller flanges so I dont think its size. I stare at my baby as I pump so I dont think its signalling letdown.

I eat lactation cookie s and oats everyday.