Implantation or period?? Please help!


I got off birth control at the end of June during placebo week of my pack. Had my period for June, July, and August was a week late and I didn’t have ANY period symptoms besides a bunch of bloating and sore nipples. (Sore nipples can be a side effect of getting off the pill) I took a pregnancy test and was negative and ended up getting my period the next day but I only bled for two days, and it was a lot lighter than normal considering my periods are already light but typically last 5-6 days. It was really only when I wiped, and the first day was like a pinkish red color, and slowly turned a light but pigmented red towards the end of the day and then faded back to a pinkish red the second day. It seemed like it was partially clear mucus mixed with the blood. My boobs started getting plump the day before I started bleeding (why I took the pregnancy test), and they still are, my lower abdomen has this really minor/dull cramp feeling, almost like tightness, and I’m still really bloated. Should I just consider it an off month or wait a couple days to a week to take another test?