16 weeks- Tummy issues


My son is about 16 weeks old- 4 months on September 11th. EBF.

For a while he was having longer spans of not pooping, and the dr gave me advice that helped with that. Since then he poops every few days longest being maybe a week with no poop.

However every two days or so he gets so upset like his tummy is hurting or something. He wiggles all around and what was farts scaring him awake now seems to be farts hurting when he passes gas. None of this is consistent tho. He will fart and be fine, poop and smile at the same time, and he’ll be fine for days before all of a sudden he seems like he’s in pain again.

I’ve heard his tumble rumble a bit on the days this happens, and I haven’t noticed any changes in diet for me on these days. I’m just not sure what to do.

My mom says to go to a completely blan diet or switch him to formula. But I’ve never noticed the correlation between my food and these issues so not sure cutting everything out is beneficial? And I don’t wanna switch him to formula if I don’t have to?

He is also pre-teething right now...and went from sleeping like 10-12 hours a night to waking up like every 2 hours. 😳

Any advice at all? I know this is all like vague but I appreciate any input!🤦🏼‍♀️