3.1 NT and freaking out


Good morning everyone. My Wife is 11 weeks pregnant with our 4th and had an "abnormal" ultrasound today. The Sono Tech tried for an extended period of time to get the baby to move into position and when she finally got it she said the NT measurement was abnormal and called in the doctor to talk to my wife.

Of course my Wife is freaking out because the doctor told her it could be a sign of DS or another chromosomal abnormality. After dropping that bomb the appointment ends and we leave.

We had an immediate doctors appointment after and of course the 10 week bloodwork isn't back from the lab yet and my poor wife is freaking out that there is a problem with the baby.

Has anyone else experience this and what recommendations and/or advice might you offer.

It's a torturous waiting now. The genetics appointment is a week away, once they order tests we could be at week 15-16. 💔