If he does it once, he’ll do it again


If a so called “man” hits you once please don’t believe him when he says “I won’t do it again.” If he cheats, 99.9% of the time he is going to do it again. We as women need to be strong and take situations for what it is. Second chances turn into third, fourth, and so on until one day it’s too late. We deserve so much better for ourselves so please don’t give someone who cheats or puts his hands on you the benefit of the doubt. It will just get worse every time. Sometimes I am just so embarrassed about the things I have allowed others to do to me. But today, I choose better for myself and my little one. I’m wishing anyone who has went through or is going through, perseverance and happiness. You are strong and you will get through it. Much love to all the mamas out there!