Need some advice/support

My very active 6.5 almost 7 month old never stops moving. She's been crawling for about a month and a half and shortly after she acquired that skill she got bored and has been pushing and pulling up on any and everything to stand. She's a handful but I love her to the ends of the earth!

The last couple of days she has gotten some owies and dad is all on my case because I should have been watching her more closely. 😒 Background is I give her close to 90% of her care. He's great with her he really is but his life hasn't changed all that much since she's been born. I'm the one who wakes up early with her and keeps her entertained (even when I'm flat out exhausted).

We have fought the last couple days pretty badly because she has slipped and hurt herself. Yesterday was pretty scary, she was crawling up a larger pillow and I had her foot/leg but she leapt forward and all her momentum (head and all) took her right down the side of the pillow and she kind of slid down and landed on her face. She cried pretty badly but I was able to calm her pretty easily. Unfortunately she had a little drip of blood from one of her nostrils (she's also been dealing with a cold and been extra snotty and congested so she's had bloody boogies too).

Daddy flipped out on me even though he wasn't on the ground with her watching her because he said he thought I was able to handle it but "apparently not".

Now I know it was a total freak accident and that I couldn't have stopped it from happening. But he makes me feel so guilty and like I'm a bad mom. I don't know what to do and it makes me feels so depressed. I know she's going to hurt herself a zillion more times and the pediatrician has even told us so but dad's philosophy is "we don't need to add to it".

I guess I'm just hoping some other moms here can relate a little to what I'm going through with my highly active little one.