My first vacation ALONE and I LOVED IT!!


I did it! I went on a vacation alone for the 1st time! It was last minute for Labor Day and I booked it the night before I left! I didn't know anyone in this town and I didn't care. Let me tell you I am SO thrilled I did it! I was scared and nervous which made me ponder back and forth for two days and then I finally said BOOK it! I didn't want to stay at my apartment with no plans and I wanted to try something different. I wanted to take a vacation and do what I wanted to do! I wanted to go on a long bike ride around the lake. I wanted to go shopping and spend as much time as I wanted in a store without feeling the need to rush. I wanted to eat where I wanted to eat. I wanted to go in the hot tub when I wanted to. I wanted to watch what I wanted and I wanted to dance and play my music and I DID all of that! I didn't feel alone once! I had such a great time that I can't wait to plan my next trip alone! Ladies if you haven't and are able to go on a vacation alone I 100% recommend you doing it! ☺

*btw this picture was taken when I was dancing and singing to my music before I went to the hot tub!