Setraline and a vent


What it is I'm wondering if u can advise me on wether setraline can help with stress and anxiety and if its safe whiel breastfeeding

I feel im so stressed and iv got anxiety or something even something as simple as making  cups tea can stress me out.

 I'm so easily irritated I'm flying off the handle at everyone  But obviously I don't want to feel like this or act like this with anyone and or do it in front the boys. 

This is affecting relationships with family and friends I flipped out the other day at the zoo and have felt so guilty and stupid afterwards thinking what passer by must be thinking and embarrassing my family like that  

Also feel I have no interest in sex either however I know setraline can affect this if I was to try it.

I Can have great ideas of going a big walk and stuff then can't be bothered and lose interest although if I do go I normally feel better afterwards.

I'm not sleeping great either although I'm exhausted aswell and both boys sleep good so it's not them 

there little one is 4 months nearly and up a few time during the night and does suffer from reflux which is difficult to see him in pain

I get fed up and kist think im a burdun to my familt and the boys will grow up with tempers and fed up like me somtimes I feel I could just end it all but at the same time the idea of bot see my boys again breaks my heart.

My husband Is a very positive person and very laid back and somtimes this actualy annoys me as I just want him to understand how I feel some how he talks about how happy he is and love his life and I just feel guilty cause I love him and the boys but I can't say I'm happy as terrible as it sounds but it's not them its just the way I feel