I am going to sound horribly bitter now

But I don't care. If you don't want to read then move along.

I am SO tired of seeing people get pregnant by accident. Pregnant after two months of trying. Pregnant after a month or two of marriage. Pregnant without even trying.

I have been TTC for three years now. Have seen multiple doctors, have been on meds after meds. Overhauled my diet, stopped drinking nonsense, everything to try. Same with my husband. Wasn't able to donate blood for a year because of the medications, some of them make me feel sick and have headaches and mess with my hormones and the list goes on.

My obese coworker who literally just eats junk food all day (will literally eat crisps for breakfast and chocolate for lunch), who is so obese she said she specifically doesn't want to lose weight because then she'll get her periods again, who had to buy a new outfit for a meeting because she said none of her clothes fit her anymore, who specifically said she doesn't want another child, is pregnant. Without trying, without wanting it, without even being in the right stage of health to be pregnant, is.

I cannot, CANNOT mentally cope with the unfairness of it all. Cannot cope with seeing multiple pregnancy announcements/ birth announcements a month. Cannot cope with the mental anguish of doing EVERYTHING right, but nope, no baby for me.

Please no "well you sound bitter and that's probably why you don't have a baby" comments (someone has literally said that to me before). I just need to vent about how unfair fertility is.