This may sound silly but. .

Did you ever have trouble telling your newborn identical twins apart. I'm afraid I'll get them mixed up and never know it!

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We bought hemp bracelets off Etsy. They were different colors and have their initials on them. Baby A is always on the left (when looking at them)...her bracelet always on the right wrist (outside hand). Baby B always on the right with it on her left wrist. They wore them the first 2-3 months from about 2 weeks old. Never took them off. They now have worn amber beads (different colors) since 2 months as well. In photos they’re always on their correct “sides”. I figured if we keep them that way we never have to worry years down the road of trying to figure out who is who. 🤣


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I painted a toenail of one of my boys until they were 3 months old! Now they are 2 and I can so easily tell them apart, but yeah as wrinkly newborns it’s tough. I look back at pictures and have no idea who is who 😆


Se • Sep 22, 2020
I have bg twins and I can't figure who's who in those newborn pictures 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I don't even know how same gender twin moms do it, identical or not!!


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One of ours was slightly smaller (1 pound). But at that age it was a huge difference and made it easy to tell who was who. When I look back at pictures though I can’t remember which one they are!! It does get tough even now when I walk in to daycare or after not seeing them for awhile. Eventually your mom eyes adjust and they will look totally different to you.


Em • Sep 10, 2020
Totally agree with mama eyes have adjusted & I think they look completely different!


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I couldn’t reply with a photo on. My own comment but this is what we ordered and loved. They have a ton of color options. We had first and middle initials on each girl’s (first names start with the same letter). But chose different colors for each as well.


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Haha you’ll know!! But my mom got my boys little bracelets for my baby shower so we wouldn’t mix them up 😂 but we never like “needed” to use them 😂


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My identical twins were born vaginally, so baby A had more “trauma” to his head then baby b. That helped us tell them apart. Also, Baby A had more hair and baby B had a chubbier face. So, there were some physical differences.


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Not silly at all! We had trouble telling our identical newborn twins apart and were scared of mixing them up. We had some funny experiences at their well who do we have there? Ummm...🤦🏻‍♀️


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lol i would be the one to put name tags on them every day or only let each one wear a certain color hat or something