What would you do?

Hi all - so backstory there HAS been issues with porn and the like in our relationship, which got resolved, I thought.

So, the other day I was using my fiance's phone (with his permission) and when I went to close the tabs I was using I saw he had his browser history up and one site looked too familiar. Porn. So I snooped and saw it was only that one time apparently, according to the browser history. But then I looked at his website data and it shows he watches it. A lot. And had obviously been deleting it from his history.

He had (has?) an addiction that almost ruined us and he got help for it and counseling and all was well. I don't care if he masturbates, it's healthy, but I don't like knowing that he's using porn again. I'm just worried it won't be long until we start having issues again. I also think he's been using the live chat things, but that's been harder to prove.

Should I bring it up to him? Or just let it go and if it starts causing issues bring it up?

I don't want to start a fight over nothing and be the naggy wife, but I also don't want to go down that road again.