Do you Know the story of The samaritan woman at the Well?

Nicole 💕 • Jesus is Lord !🙏🏽

Doing Some Bible Study Tonight and Wanted to share with you guys what i learned , Because if you’re like me reading The Bible can be tricky to understand Because Of the language , So St. John Chapter 4 verses 7-14

Speaks About A Samaritan Woman at the well & Jesus Comes Up to Her and says “Give me A Drink” By this time his disciples were Gone into the city to buy meat , The samaritan Woman at the well Says How is it that You Jesus Being a jew asked me A Samaritan Woman for a drink , Dont you know the Jews have no Dealings (Dont Talk , Dont interact , Nothing) with Samaritans ? Then Jesus Says if You knew who sent me And The Gift of God then you would be asking For a drink from Me , And I wouldve Given you Living Water , the Woman said unto Jesus Sir , You have Nothing to draw With and the well is deep, How will you get living Water /Where is this living water ? Are You Greater Than Our father Jacob Which gave us the Well And drank Thereof Himself & His kids & His cattle ? Jesus Then Says Whoever Drinks of The well Will be thirsty again , and again(Because The well feeds the flesh) BUT whosoever Drink Of the water That I (I=Jesus) Shall give You shall NEVER thirst Again (Because Jesus Feeds The spirit ) The well Water that Jesus gives Will be in you springing up everlasting life , The Woman Says Sir Give me this water that you speak about That i may not thirst nor come to draw from the well 🥰💕😇 What i got From The Biblical Text was Jesus saves , Even if you Think /Feel you are less than , Not Enough , Jesus Saves