Please help!!

Hi everyone !! So I’m 17 years old and I’ve been dating my current boyfriend for about 4 months now . We have been done sexual stuff for a while like dry humping, oral, and fingering. We are both still virgins and I’ve told him before I wanted to wait to have sex until I was in birth control and I felt completely safe. That being said even though we haven’t ever had sex i get horrible anxiety that I am pregnant after anytime we do anything sexual. Last night for example he came over and we were cuddling and I did the good ole press your butt against his 🍆. I then gave him had and he finished. TMI‼️⚠️ but I swallowed and that was that. I got come precum on my comforter and idk why but that freaked me out and now I can’t stop stressing out about it. I know there is no possible way that sperm can crawl from his side of the bed to mine and get into my vagina but it still freaks me out. I’ve had really bad anxiety like this for forever. I’ve been sexually assaulted 3 times before and I think that’s where a lot of my anxiety comes from. My boyfriend has taken me to get pregnancy tests before and everytime I get some sort of anxiety like this and it’s always come up negative, so idk why I’m so stressed. I talk to my boyfriend about it and he’s always really supportive and assures be that if I don’t feel comfortable doing it we don’t have too but I just feel so bad it’s holding me back and making me really depressed and anxious.... has anyone else gone through something like this and if so what helped you calm my anxiety? I can’t talk to my mom about it cause she’ll disown me and I don’t have money to get a therapist. I just don’t know what to do please help:/