Would I be a bad employee for not working Saturday?

I passed out at work on Wednesday and felt really groggy the whole day. My workplace still asked me to not only stay, but also come in early the rest of the week. I went to urgent care after the day ended and they wrote me off of work for the next day and told me that I should try to take it easy and not do a lot of physical activity until my doctor appointment (next Friday). To the point they said if it happened again that they wanted me to go straight to a hospital. I told a manager this and she just said okay. During the day, I got really really dizzy again. After I went home, they tried to call me and left a voicemail asking me to come in tomorrow (which I’m never scheduled for) and work from 8-2, then come back on Monday and work 8-5. I really don’t want to, I’m worried about getting hurt, and don’t think it’s right of them to do all this after I literally fainted there.

What would you do?

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