Trista • Mommy to a HANDSOME BABY BOY in heaven💙 Rainbow baby arrived in May 2021🌈 Think positive , live positively. 🌼

Hello, ladies!

Need some advice.

I had some severe complications in my pregnancy. My son sadly passed at 24 days after birth (he was born at 34w5d).

I’m currently 8 weeks 5 days postpartum and I am supposed to wait a year in between my pregnancies. At six months they want to do a blood clots test. But I so badly want to try sooner than six months...

I just want to know everyone else’s experiences. I’m now considered very high risked.

At 28 weeks I will be going in twice a week. Once with the high risked doctor the other at my regular OB. And at least one of those will be an ultrasound.