Feeling down lately...


Hey y'all, I'm sorta new to the place so yeah.... I'm feeling really bad lately and the past few days panic attack just keep coming. At my youth group I had 3 panic attacks because one of the leaders for supper close to me ( a trigger for my ptsd) and made me separate from my brother because we were apparently "too close". I was clutching on to him for dear life because this was my first time at that place and I was so scared. The music was SO LOUD and they wouldn't let me leave so I just sat on the floor and cried the whole time. Eventually I was able to get back up and act like nothing happened. It's been following me the past few days and I feel really depressed and hopeless. Thankfully I start counseling this week but I'm kinda nervous. Any helpful and uplifting comments and advice would be really appreciated! ☺️