Need advice from RN or anyone who has dealt with fever! Husband very sick and hospital wont help!


Before anyone says anything we have been to the ER twice. I just don't know what else to do. Where to go or who to ask for advice!

First time we went to the ER they did a bunch of blood tests, which all came back negative. Then they did a Covid test. Which we are still waiting on the results. We went in last Sunday and still nothing! We wont get them until Monday or Tuesday. Im so livid. They even had a rapid test they could have done, but they refuse to use them unless the patient needs to be admitted and held in the hospital, so he has to wait. They told me they won't make a move to treat him until they know for sure what it is! And all they did was give him advil and sent us home! His fever was 102 when he went in! They even checked his temp before we left and it jumped to 103, despite the medicine, and they still sent us home! His fever spiked the next day to 104.9, so we took him to a different hospital where they did literally nothing! They just gave him motrin and sent him home with his fever still at 104. In the mean time, my husband has been so ill. His fever is so high and meds won't bring it down. I've been putting him on ice (ice pack in the groin, under his arms. Cool rag on his fore head and back of the neck) and making him take lukewarm baths with Epson salt. (Idk if the salt actually helps but i read that it does so I've been trying. Please correct me if I'm wrong for doing so) He has been sick since last Tuesday, that is almost 2 weeks! It started with low grade fever at first then it sky rocketed. Every day his fever has been between 101 or 104 and meds wont bring it down but by 1 or 2 degrees. Today has been a better day though, with his fever only peeking to 101 at the highest. We alternate between ibuprofen and acetaminophen every 3 hours like we were told to bu nothing is working.

I literally haven't been sleeping but maybe 1-3 hours every night for the last 2 weeks because I'm having to do the hospitals job and its not doing enough. He can't even eat without throwing it back up. And I don't know what to do anymore. I even called the er 3 times to ask them for advice and all they say is to take pills and wait for our covid test! And they won't admit him until he is in a critical state. Like seriously?! They wont prevent him from dying unless he is already dying?! At what point is a grow adult with a fever over 102, for almost 2 weeks considered critical?!

And even then, if his covid test comes back positive what the fuck are they going to do??? Just send him home again?! He isn't having breathing trouble his immediate danger is his temperature. So they won't help him until he stops breathing and by then it will be to late!!!

Today he is feeling a bit better like I said. But his fever is still 101 and he keeps feeling like hes going to throw up some more. What do I do?!?! If his fever comes back with a fury I'm so scared I won't be able to keep him alive on my own. How much more can his body take before it can't fight anymore or he starts to shut down from the fever?? Especially without being able to eat to keep his strength up. Hes lost so much weight.

What do I do?!? WHAT DO I DO?!?!

I'm trying so hard to stay strong. But I'm literally breaking down and I can't let him see me like this. I need to know what to do so I can face him again with confidence so he knows he will be okay and he will make it through this. Hes terrified for his own life. I'm terrified. But i can't let him see that or it will scare him more. And I refuse to worry about me right now.

What do I do?!

UPDATE: still no answer as to what this is, but I expected as much seeing that it is the weekend. He seeme d like he was getting better yesterday, but the fever came back with a fury and even with ibuprofen and acetaminophen (dr said they can be taken together if need be) the fever shot up to 106 and he started getting confused. We went back to the ER and were sent on the same loop. Fluids, pills and the sent home. He is still throwing up. I'm giving him a lot of water and hydralyte tablets. Pedialyte and Gatorade have to much flavor and make him puke. Though the nurse mentioned if his Covid test results are negative he will need further blood tests and possibly and MRI to check for some kind of organ infection. Though we don't think its that due to the lack of pain, but you never know.

Thank you so much for the support. I have been so worried about him. I just want this to be over and get my best friend back. I hate seeing him like this and he just keeps getting worse. He weighted himself today and he's lost 15lbs and is ghost white, and he is a darker skinned man. He popped blood vessels in both of his eyes from how hard he has been puking.

I'm still so tired. I sleep when he sleeps but his fever melts the ice bags so fast I don't get to sit down for long. And I have to clean and disinfect A LOT.

I'm rambling. Sorry. Thank you again for the support and advice. Hopefully this will get better soon. 😷😷😷