Periods being weird

So last month, my period came the most early its been in years which was cycle day 34. I started taking some fertility vitamins because I've been trying for 4 years and I got my bloods done before the vitamins and I was low on folate, so the vitamins must of helped with something i thought.. so I thought this month my period will come on time? I'm 2 days late, ive had the most severe painful boobs, (thats not uncommon for me though) , ive had sore cramps on and off for like 5 days now, and ive been spotting this like pale brown stuff, had the odd tiny bit of like red once or twice but barely, and now day three of spotting... its now stopped. But I still have sore cramps. Whats going on? Could I be pregnant? I don't want to waste my money on another test... when you test for 4 years its draining. So if anyone has had this before a BFP that would be helpful to hear your story :)