Overwhelmed SAHM vs Working husband

Okay please no rude comments just venting really BUT...

Ever since quarantine I’ve been a stay at home mom for the past 6 months. Before this I was working part time and getting my sons lunch/dinner ready for his babysitter (my mom) she’s not really good with making an actual me more of just snacks there and there so that’s why I had to make him his food.

Anyways going off subject I did ALOT had a working mom who would get off work at 10pm and still make dinner for my husband and to take it for lunch the next day...

Now that I’m a SAHM i do everything and never get a break besides when my son is napping. I let me husband play his game on his phone all the time! Meanwhile I’m over there caring and playing with our son. Don’t get me wrong he does help but tonight I asked for help just to wash his bottles THATS IT even tho the kitchen was a bit of a mess I didn’t ask him to clean the kitchen just the bottles. Although it would have been nice if he did do the dishes the least. I asked him again he said no I’m not going to while playing his game. And I already know he was expecting sex from me tonight because we have been touchy through the day. After I put our son to bed he came near me and I thought he was going to try touching me so I said out loud we’re not having sex tonight when he was actually reaching for his charger. He complained a little and said its not the first time you said no to me.

I don’t want to because What he did to me was a turn off.