Fear of being easily replaced

I just had a terrible panic attack bcz of unbearable feeling of being extremely easy to replace.

Throughout my 21 year I have never been special fo anyone; everyone can discard me and go on with their life like I never existed.

An yesterday i called over the people Iam friends with (i’m a female, they are male). They did not know each other too well.They’ve been talking all night pretty much leaving me out, they have even talked about hanging out together with their groups of friends completely excluding me. and today I saw they became friend on fb and I know it’s dumb but i am so scared that they won’t need me anymore.

I am soo sick of tired of not being good enough for anyone. I am aromantic asexual, hence i cannot even have a romantic partner that I could feel like I actually belong with.

I’m so lonely and I know that it’s not gonna get better: everyone can and will replace me.

i don’t know what to do