My story


First, let’s start with the details:

3rd baby

36 yrs old

Chronic hypertension

Due date 9/20

Scheduled for induction on 9/14

I went to the OB for my regular appointment at 8am on Wednesday the 9th. She did a cervical check for the first time and I wasn’t dilated at all. Although I’ve been seeing stars with sudden movements throughout my pregnancy, they recently started happening when I’m sitting still and I started seeing floaters too. That changed everything, she said it was time to induce.

They got me in a room and started giving me cytotec. I won’t go in to every little detail but they went back and forth between that and pitocin, and I also got a foley balloon. I have to say that getting the balloon placed was definitely unpleasant but once it was in, it really wasn’t bad.

I got an epidural, just like my previous deliveries, but the induction took a long time and the epidural ran out surprisingly quickly. For a long time I tried to ignore it, I thought I was overreacting, but eventually the nurse called the anesthesiologist who discovered that the epidural had somehow ‘fallen out’ and wasn’t actually doing anything. He placed a new one, but there wasn’t really enough time for it to start working.

So I essentially ended up giving birth with nothing for pain, I was exhausted and practically delirious by the time I needed to push. Luckily, I only had to push twice, and my little princess was here. The induction was 38 hours total from start to finish. Unfortunately my little one has jaundice so we are still in the hospital and she is in the nursery getting photo therapy. I miss her like crazy, but she is worth everything it took to get her here and everything she needs from me now.

Good luck to everyone still waiting for their babies ❤️❤️❤️❤️