Should I be worried ?

So, My last period was over a month ago, I had some spotting a couple of days before my period was due, But it never advanced to an actual period, in other words, It was completely abnormal. Anyways, Ive taken multiple pregnancy tests, And multiple positives, Followed my negatives. Like, the days I took them, The very first was positive, and the rest would be negative following. I was told, Maybe I diluted my HCG, Not sure. Anyways, I got tired of the confusion, So I went to get blood work done. Came back negative, But the doctor was also unsure since I was just over a week late. After I got blood drawn, I came home and took 2 more tests, Which came up positive. I am now "2 weeks late" and having cramps, Feel like I have a Lot of pressure in my pelvic area, And some lower back pain, Slight nausea. No bleeding. Should i be worried at this point ?!